The importance of consent

Consent is so important, that it can determine whether you will be having fun time or spending jail time. That’s the reason why both postulates in the BDSM culture circle around consent – “Safe sane & consensual” (SSC) and “Risk-aware consensual kink” (RACK). Everything that’s being done to someone without their consent is violence – […]

The hazy concepts in BDSM

Have strength to read through this article, dear reader! You can spare yourself a lot of bad vibes in the future. BDSM is a culture. It brings together the people who practice more or less standard role playing games, most often in sexual or otherwise intimate way and also people with non-standard fetishes. In this […]

The responsibilities in BDSM

BDSM includes activities that can be dangerous if done without a clear mind (sanely), with attention to safety and consensually. The danger can be more than physical. A person can be hurt mentally if they are injured or if their trust and will gets abused. In this article we scratch the surface of a very […]

The activities in BDSM

(at the end of the article there’s a bonus) We begin an infinite and constantly growing topic in an attempt to list some of the BDSM practices that we know of. Our goal with this article is to help the new people in our community to enrich their fantasy with activities they may possibly like. […]

What happens in our body during play

This article is written by AndyBaku on and is posted with his permission. Pain and Kinbaku; or how I stopped worrying about the hurt started to love the high This is a text about brains neurotransmitters how they affect us when practicing Kinbaku (Japanese rope bondage) or any kind of BDSM for that matter. […]